Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Soap Explosion!

Last week we had a school assembly about science experiments and chemical reactions.

Some Luther students demonstrated how bonds and atoms created a molecule.

Students were able to watch a chemical reaction in action.

Keven was chosen to participate in one of the experiments.  We observed what happened when Keven used chap stick to draw on a piece of goldenrod paper and then sprayed it with Windex.

After attending the science assembly the students in the CLC Breakfast Club were inspired to become scientists.  In our class we did an experiment that involved a physical change.  Students were first introduced to the materials: Ivory soap, a paper plate, and a microwave.

Next, students used their science journals to record some predictions of what they thought would happen when we put a 1/4 of the bar of soap into the microwave for one minute.

Each student had a unique prediction that had them connecting information to their background knowledge. Moises and Javian both thought the soap would melt. Javian knew that the microwave makes things hot and made a connection to the hot chocolate he made the night before at his house. Moises remembered what he had learned about states of matter and how when the temperature increases, solids can turn into liquids. 

Hector was hoping for an explosion and a big "BOOM" in the microwave.

Here is what happened during our experiment:

After the experiment we wrote down our observations and concluded what happened.  The soap underwent a physical change.  It was still soap, even though it looked different.  Jasmin thought the new soap looked like a cloud and Hector thought the new soap looked like fluffy popcorn.  Nathan thought the soap now felt like paper.

We learned that the Ivory soap had air bubbles in it, and when the soap was heated, the soap expanded.

Each student was able to take a bag home of the new foamy soap.

We are excited for our next experiment!

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